Monday, December 1, 2008

Last week

I need a new training shoe! That’s what I told myself last week, for not running on weekdays. haha lame excuses right. Well the truth is, since PBM, I can't stop eating! A weekend before previous one, I had 3 runs. Boy, let me tell you, those 3 runs was hell as the 25KM. I did 2 on Saturday, one in the morning, the other was in the evening, and a jog on Sunday morning with 'Siput Runners'.

I have to tell, after that double run on Saturday, my left calf was aching like hell. I was saying to myself, "What the ....., 25KM with minor aching, but this 16KM is killing me? c'mon ...." And I was on Lunar Trainer. Then I said to myself … "may be because I haven't run for nearly a week, and my legs were surprised la kot kan", come to think about it, I guess it was!

And then the laziness continues, last week, whole weekdays I was on my back. Some more lame excuses, 1. My left calf was aching, I need to rest and heal. 2. I need a new training shoe, I can't slam the LT no more, dude I haven't done with the monthly payment yet and it’s starting to wear already!

So there I was, Friday, at the Adidas Store looking for a decent training shoe that fits my limited budget. At some point of looking at those shoes, came down the sales boy saying "ha bang, beli la kasut lari. Lepas tuh join la mane-mane race. Tak dapat ape-ape pun takpe, at least dpt goodie beg. Sape nak bagi kan .." Me and acquaintance looked at each other and we both put on a big smile to the boy. Somewhere in my head I was saying "bro...tgk member gua nih...kecik...comel...kan? die nih dah lari 25KM. Agak-agak bro la kan...ade tak orang suke-suke pergi lari 25KM tanpa masuk race?", but I decided to keep it to myself from a pointless explanation.

In the end, I'd pay for a RM90 pair of shoe. You know what? It’s identical to my previous training rubber, except its green in color. But hey, it’s for training right? Furthermore, my LT has a dazzling green sole too.

With this new training rubber, I’m planning to get back on the road, 40km per week millage. Still doubt the GE30KM, but we’ll see. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I had a somewhat lousy morning today. Reason being, I failed a written test. Lesson learned? Don’t take theory lightly, they’ll test it first then only your hands on. It is rather substantial different between local and multinational standard I might say. Anyway, enough with the morning gloom. Let’s move on to the sunny day afoot.

I remembered how a friend of mine describes a theory about buddies (close friends lah!). The lecture was short; buddies are like an atomic structure. Physic 101! An atom consists of 3 particles; neutron and proton would make the nucleus and electron that circles the nucleus. Now, association between those elements with buddies. Well, often we let this scenario slip by accident or it’s just our nature to be ignorance. Usually there will be a group of 2 to 5 very-very close friends, which merely act like neutrons and protons. While others, friend of a friend would complete the structure as the electrons.

Interestingly, when an atom has same amount of protons as electrons it is consider as a ‘natural element’. Obviously a ‘positively’ charge atom has more protons than electrons, which comes to my conclusion! Close friends or buddies tend to stick together, doing the same stuff or activities; take running for example! Which is good or positive, if I might say? They would have less ‘not-so-positive’ activities, which leads to less ‘not-so-positive’ friends and thus making the group ‘positively’ charge. Meanwhile at the same time, a friend of a friend would also be affected and become more positive by doing the same activities.

And of course the same mechanism would imply to a ‘negatively’ charge atom as well, but let’s just focus on the bright side shall we. In a nutshell, this is what I would like to think is happening to me and other protons, neutrons and electrons. Jimmy Neutron anyone?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

In the beginning

After countless times trying very hard to slam this QWERTY keyboard’s keys, I at this moment resolve myself to finally type. So, here it is. My first born article, more importantly the birth of running-crook BlogSpot! I guess, I have to properly introduce me self before everything else floods the way. I would reckon the flood would carry some politics, running, diving and life craps as it goes! Every now and then I suppose.

How do I start? Ok, I’ll put it this way, just bare with me, I’m trying to be witty (ha-ha-ha). I’m 28 years YOUNG male. I have a day job as ‘Mr. Anderson’ in a local company. And currently in this small yet uncultivated mind of mine, are running, diving, swimming, girls, food, music and money! Well who doesn’t?

Well, here I am. In my very own room, sticking my eye balls to a Word Processing Software, squeezing some bombastic word out from hemorrhage brain of mine. Back from breakfast outside after a morning run with a couple of friends. We were talking about running shoes, which we’ve been talking about since I can’t remember when. It has been a week since. Penang Bridge Marathon, where I had my first taste of 25KM! We’ve talk less about it. But inside, we both know, that is the only thing that has been lingering in our mind since we’ve crossed the finishing line. There’s no word that can describe those feelings. Yeah it is not just a feeling. There were plenty of them! Proud and joy were on top of the others, I would say.

Ever since, whenever we stumble upon each other, there’s a smile that only both of us knows what it means, on our faces. The smile that symbolizes satisfaction and pride, for all those lonely and painful night and day training, for all the sufferings that we have to deal when our knees, calves, hips and ankles doesn’t agree with the training plan. So please pardon me if you catch me smiling out of no reason.

Hey…hey…enough of me bragging about little things that nothing compare to whatever is happening in this world at the moment. There goes the introduction! LOL! I got to revisit the port-a-loo (as one of my respected running idol use to say)